Section 1 Hadrons
Section 2 Bosons
Section 3 Hyperons
Section 4 Mouns
Section 5 Intermediate Vector Bosons

BOSONSSection 2


First Order Neutral Pions

A neutral pion is composed of one up quark and one down quark. The first order neutral pion is shown below.

First Order Neutral Pion

The intrinsic angular momentum of the pion is zero. The previously used conventions assign the up quark a value of +1/2 and the down quark a value of -1/2 when traveling in the natural direction on their spin axes. The sum of the spins of the two lead unit particle of matters is zero. Physically, zero spin makes sense for this configuration of the pion as the particle has as its leading edge two equal counter rotating fields.

The neutral pion decays into gamma ray photons 98.8% of the time. It is proposed that this decay mode of the neutral pion is caused by the collapse of the pion into one or more collapsed field particles.

First Order Neutral Pion (98.8%)

The neutral pion decays 1.2% of the time into an electron-positron pair. The pair production could occur by an electron and positron being ejected before that pair collapsed.

The first order neutral pion is subject to collapse because it is an unpolarized even numbered unit particle of matter compound. Polarization means that the particle has a weak force bonded unit particle of matter or some other type of bond that deters the collapse of the particle. Without some type of polarization, the up/down, quark/anti-quark pair of the first order neutral pion collapse and annihilate each other.

First Order Charged Pions

The positive pion is composed of one up quark, one down quark, and a weak force bonded positive unit particle of matter. The negative pion is composed of one up quark, one down quark, and a weak force bounded electron/neutrino components complement.

First Order Charged Pions

ud+ ud-
First Order Positive Pion
First Order Negative Pion

The positive pion decays into a positive muon and a muon neutrino 99.99% of the time. The charged pion decay presents the most difficult problem with the concepts presented in this paper. There are not enough unit particle of matters in the above configuration of the charged pions to account for all of the unit particle of matters in what is speculated to be a muon and a muon neutrino. The positive pion decay is illustrated below.

pi+ -> muon + positive neutrino muon (99.99%)

There are two more unit particles of matter in the decay products than there are in the positive pion. Assuming that the configurations of the charged pions are correct, then the proposition is forced that this is a production decay mechanism. A production decay mechanism results in unit particles of matter being assimilated from the background ocean particles into the decay products. Ad hoc and disturbing, allowing unit particles of matter to be grabbed at will. Its not science, its speculation.

The bond structures of the charged pions indicate a mechanism for how the charged pions decay into a charged muon and a muon neutrino the vast majority of the time. It is suspected that the parallel magnetic dipoles of the composing quarks sheer the pion apart in a sliding manner. Either the separating quarks could assimilate a background field neutrino into the resulting muon neutrinos during decay or the assimilation could occur first and cause the decay. The assimilation of the background neutrino into the decay is cheaper energetically than allowing a free quark.

Alternatively, pi+ can decay into a positron, a neutral pion, and a neutrino. In this decay, the neutral pion may break free and collapse, leaving the positron and electron neutrino to be seen as the decay products.

-> neutral pion + neutrino + positron (0.01%)

Second Order Neutral Pions

To make the decay products work correctly for the kaons, the concept of multiple weak force bonds had to be explored.

Pions may have more than one weak force bonded unit particle of matter.

The multiple weak force bond hypothesis allows for more than one type of neutral pion to be hypothesized. The second order type of neutral pion is like the first order neutral pion in that it has an ud quark combination as its core. However, this second type of neutral pion has two weak force bonded unit particle of matters, one negative unit particle of matter and one positive unit particle of matter.

-ud+ or ud
Second Order Neutral Pion
The two weak force bonded unit particle of matters cancel each other's charge resulting in a neutral pion. Suppose that the electrical fields of the weakly bound unit particle of matters compromise each other in a neutrino type completeness which results in the weak force bound unit particle of matters contributing only a neutrino level mass to the pion. In other words, consider that the weakly bound positive unit particle of matter and negative unit particle of matter, which are already in a neutrino influenced compact bond, may bond to each other and collapse forming a "neutrino ring". The "neutrino ring" would in structure have the electrical fields of the negative unit particle of matter and the positive unit particle of matter compressed into a very small volume just as the electrical fields of the negative unit particle of matter and the positive unit particle of matter are in a neutrino. This type of neutrino level bonding in the attached unit particle of matters results in the mass of the second order neutral pion being presently indistinguishable from the mass of the first order neutral pion.

The first order and second order neutral pions could conceivably be distributed in the statistics resulting in a definition of the neutral pion of

(uu + dd)/&Atilde2

where u = anti-up; d = anti-down

Second Order Charged Pions

The geometry of the pion allows for more than two weak force bonds. A second order charged pion could be formed by another weak force bonded unit particle of matter attaching to the second order neutral pion.

Second Order Charged Pions

Second Order Positive Pion Second Order Negative Pion

A second order charged pion is hypothesized as a "why not" until the author finds a reason why the second order charged pion may not exist.


It is proposed that kaons are complex particle compounds formed from two pions bound together by a particle bond.

Complex particle compounds are formed from pion or proton sub-units which are bound together through particle bonds.

A particle bond binds two particle sub-units together into a complex particle compound. The sub-units of a particle bond can be either protons or pions. The particle bond is given a distinct name because it may be different in nature from the weak force bond which is required to construct it.

First Order Charged Kaons

The charged kaon decays 25% of the time into one charged pion and one neutral pion. Therefore, with the concept of permanence in mind and foregoing the possibility of a production decay, the charged kaon must be composed of at least the number of unit particle of matters required to construct one charged pion and one neutral pion.

First Order Charged Kaons

K+ K-

A positively charged kaon and its decay into a positive pion and a neutral pion is shown below.

K+ -> pi+ + neutral pion (pi0)

Charged kaons are composed of a charged pion bound to a neutral pion by a particle bond. Alternatively, the first order charged kaon can be viewed as being composed of two first order neutral pions connected by the particle bond unit particle of matters.

The majority of the time the charged kaon decays into a muon and neutrinos. The neutrinos come from the collapse of the neutral pion and from the decay of the charged pion.

K+ -> muon + ( ... neutrinos ... )

The most puzzling decay mode is when a charged kaon decays into 3 charged pions. In this decay mode, the charged kaon must contain enough unit particle of matters to account for the three charged pions. It requires at least 27 unit particle of matters to form three charged pions. The goal is to propose a configuration for the charged kaon that can account for 27 unit particle of matters without invoking a production decay mechanism.

First Order Neutral Kaons

The attachment of a weakly bound unit particle of matter to a charged kaon would result in the charged kaon becoming neutral. The first order neutral kaons are shown below.

First Order Neutral Kaons

K0 K0The first order neutral kaon decays into two oppositely charged pions 88% of the time.

K0 -> pi+ + pi-

The first order neutral kaon decays into two neutral pions 12% of the time. In this decay, the weakly bound positive unit particle of matter and the particle bond negative unit particle of matter are attached to the same pion sub-unit after the decay.

K0 -> pi0' + pi0

Possibly for this decay, the K0 was basically composed of a second order neutral pion (pi0') and a first order neutral pion (pi0) anyway.

K0 has a weakly bound positive unit particle of matter available for transfer to the another particle during collisions. K0 has a weakly bound negative unit particle of matter available for transfer. Weak force bond unit particle of matter transfer explains why the following reaction occurs for K0 and not for K0
K0 + p -> K+ + n

The weakly bound negative unit particle of matter of K0 is transferred to the proton, transforming the proton to a neutron.

Second Order Neutral Kaons

If the first and second order neutral pions are hard to distinguish from each other by mass alone, then a neutral kaon that had a collapsed pair of weakly bound unit particle of matters attached to it (as does the second order neutral pion) would be hard to distinguish by mass alone from a neutral kaon that lacked the weakly bound collapsed pair.

Second Order Neutral Kaons

K0' K0'

The decay of the neutral kaons is a weak force process. Two types of neutral kaons are indicated by their decay products and half-lives, K0S and K0L. K0S typically decays into two pions and K0L typically decays into three pions. K0S has a half-life on the order of 10-10s while K0L has a half-life on the order of 10-7s. K0S is speculated to be the first order neutral kaon and K0L is speculated to be the second order neutral kaon. The physical difference between K0S and K0L is the attachment of the weakly bound collapsed pair. The suspicion is that the attachment of the weakly bound pair is the cause of the longer half-life of K0L.

The second order neutral kaon decay into three neutral pions is shown below.

K0L -> pi0' + pi0 + pi0

The above decay requires that a neutral pion to be constructed. Either the collapsed weakly bound pair could absorb energy and form into the third neutral pion, or the unit particle of matters of the particle bond and the unpaired weakly bound unit particle of matter and its neutrino could form into the third neutral pion. In either case, one of the neutral pions must either be a second order neutral pion or the collapsed pair could be free and undetected.

Once out of every few hundred K0L decays, only two pions are produced. This is the decay that causes the charge-parity (CP) violation. What happens to the collapsed pair in decay is not clear. A second order charged pion could possibly be formed.

K0L -> pi+ + pi- + collapsed pair

Second Order Charged Kaons

Second Order Charged Kaons

K+' K-'

The collapsed weakly bound pair of the second order charged kaon does not contribute measurable mass over the mass of the first order charged kaon. The first order neutral kaon has fewer unit particle of matters, but more mass because of the additional expanded field unit particle of matter.

Third Order Charged Kaons

The goal is to propose a mechanism such that a charged kaon could decay into three charged pions without invoking a production decay mechanism. After examining the second order neutral kaon, it is evident the addition of another weak force bonded unit particle of matter would supply the 27 unit particle of matters required to allow decay into three charged pions.

Third Order (K+'') -> pi+ + pi- + pi+
Charged Kaon

This solution is basically two second order neutral pions connected by a particle bond. The drawback of this solution is that it presents the case for a third type of charged kaon.

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Last Update May 23, 2000Created May 10, 1997

Copyright © 2000 Starlight Publishing Company Hermosa Beach, CA